This week, on Plant Tip Tuesday...
We are talking about a fan favourite in the plant work - the String of Turtles!
This super interesting Peperomia variety is a tropical plant that has fleshy leaves that resemble a turtle's shell. They store water in these leaves, which means they have a small and fine root system that is sensitive to watering technique.
These plants do not want to be saturated, nor do they want to go too dry in between watering. Smaller consistent watering is best. You want to avoid getting water on the foliage, especially the crown of the plant as that can result in crown rot.
A bright filtered light location is best, and you want to ensure that the crown (the top of the plant) is getting sufficient light so that the plant continues to grow nice and full.
This plant can be a vigorous trailer once established and happy. The stems can easily be cut back and the cuttings can be propagated in water if so desired!
The String of Turtles symbolizes longevity and stability - which, couldn't we all use in our lives?