This Week, for Plant Tip Tuesday...
We are featuring a very interesting plant -The Autograph Plant!
This plant gets its name because of its unique ability to have images scratched into the leaves without causing any harm to the plant. You wouldn’t want to go overboard marking the leaves but a cute little something here and there is perfectly fine!
Autograph Plants, also known as Clusia Rosea, are native to the Caribbean, and unfortunately in some areas, are considered invasive. With that being said, they are vigorous growers that can be quite satisfying as a houseplant to watch grow!
Because they are fast growing and have an extensive root system they do like a regular fertilizer program, as well as repotting every couple years.
They grow best in bright filtered light and like the soil to dry slightly in between watering. They also love to be misted!
They are a plant that is sensitive to cold temperatures, so keep away from air conditioning or cold drafts in the winter months.
This is a unique plant that we don't have in the store very often. Why not add it to your collection?